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  1. P

    How To Make Cannabutter [W/ Pics]

    This is awesome. I remember reading this topic a couple of months back, now I'm actually going to try it. I hope it tastes good!
  2. P

    can hash go bad

    Me? Dude, I say that because it happened to me once. I'm not bullshitting. There are a lot of users who say in their signature "I don't smoke weed, I'm here just to look cool" but that's not me, because really, what the fuck do you gain from that?
  3. P

    can hash go bad

    Yes, that's what happened with me. It was really shit Hash though :sad:.
  4. P

    Buy Mariajuana online???

    Dude just buy it off someone you know, or a dealer. Don't risk getting busted for something like this. Legal buds do exist, but stuff like this is usually in the gray area of legality, depending on what the contents are when they are shipped. Don't risk ruining your life all for something like...
  5. P

    can hash go bad

    For me, the average time it has taken for Hashish to go bad over the years is 1 week. After that, it's starts to get moldy and black.
  6. P

    Good to be back

    Hello, It's good to be back. I love this site. My other account was THCInhaler, but I forgot the password to it :fire:. Starting over with this account is fine, but if I can have THCInhaler back, that would be nice!