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    Man it's hard to tell with such little information but it's definitley very sick. It looks to me like a watering problem. Whether that be too much or too little I don't know. You also need to take a photo in normal light so we can see the leaf colour.
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    First time grow entering flowering stage too early?

    Hey thought I'd give you guys an update.. less than 2 weeks and seems to be going well
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    Coco nutrients moving into flower

    Sorry i was wrong. Its 22.6-6.1-29.5 Still too high?
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    Coco nutrients moving into flower

    Hey guys, new grower here. I have a box grow in coco that I have been fertigating daily with professors original a/b which has an NPK of around 22.6-6.1-29.5 or something crazy like that from memory. Its marketed as a veg and flower nute but I was seeking advice as to whether I should change to...
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    Coco fertigation nutrients moving into flowering stage

    Hey guys, new grower here. I have a box grow in coco that I have been fertigating daily with professors original a/b which has an NPK of around 28-7-24.5 or something crazy like that from memory. Its marketed as a veg and flower nute but I was seeking advice as to whether I should change to...
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    First time grow entering flowering stage too early?

    Hey mate, i have a question now my plant is showing lots of white pistils. I've been using "Professors nutrients" original which is an a/b inorganic veg bloom nute. On the bottle it says 26-8-25.8 or something like that from memory. I fertigate my plant once per day (It's in coco). Should i be...
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    First time grow entering flowering stage too early?

    I've made sure I had plenty of room when I switched to flower but I can make it as high as I want and put lights wherever so I think it should be fine :)
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    First time grow entering flowering stage too early?

    Yes if thats something you reccomend? :)
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    First time grow entering flowering stage too early?

    Hahah this is true but it fits in my downstairs toilet and the reason for the tub is because of my wife.. was easier for me to ease her into this compact thing before I expand. But yeah I'd like a tent and a hps etc
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    First time grow entering flowering stage too early?

    Nah man they are really high quality plastic compared to my first iteration.. :roll::p Plus I use Mylar heat shielding around them.
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    First time grow entering flowering stage too early?

    Yeah I thought that. I have I plan to expand it somehow so she can grow up. I'll build around her hahah
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    First time grow entering flowering stage too early?

    Sorry i meant to say I switched to 12/12 and 2700k yesterday.
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    First time grow entering flowering stage too early?

    Hey guys! I got some bag seed one day and said f** it lets give it a good go. I did some research and decided on kind of a bucket grow with cfls. Currently it's been a bit under 6 weeks from seed. It has a total of 370w of either 6400k or 2700k from the top and 80w of either in side lighting...