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  1. MURKN


    still, i know how to water a plant
  2. MURKN


    no i spray the soil too
  3. MURKN


    well iv been watering it everyday with a spray bottle. And i leave my plant on my patio
  4. MURKN


    my plant is starting to drop a lil in the leaves. Sorry for the quality of the camera but it shows what im talking about.
  5. MURKN

    Florida Growers Thread

    South FLorida Pompano Beach all day erday
  6. MURKN

    3plants 1 pot

    you should separate them soon into there own pot
  7. MURKN

    setup for first couple days

    by seeds sprouted yesterday and i plated them today. I want my seeds to grow atleast inch or 2 before i place them outside, so what i did is place my lamp with 15 watts (CFL) and had it beaming onto my soil. Will this work just untill the plant sprouts?
  8. MURKN

    After germinating Seeds

    ok thanks for the info
  9. MURKN

    After germinating Seeds

    My seeds just sprouted after germination, should i plant them sprout down or sprout up?
  10. MURKN

    plant disapeared

    i could have been birds cuz birds done it to mines too
  11. MURKN

    Why do we hang weed?

    wats the purpose? To make the weed dryer?
  12. MURKN

    My Growing Setup....couple questions...

    thanks for all the help but i got one more question, How deep should the Gatorade bottle be?
  13. MURKN

    My Growing Setup....couple questions...

    yea this is temporary, untill i see the plants big enough to be planted into earth. How big and how many holes should i make?
  14. MURKN

    My Growing Setup....couple questions...

    Ima start growing some dope in about 2 days and i have a question about planting. I am planning to use a bottle of gatorade ( empty ) and cut half of it off and fill it with soil. Is this a good choice? also would i need to make holes at the bottom for drainage? Were along the bottle...
  15. MURKN

    question on when to start growing...

    yea but the birds around here act like chickens !
  16. MURKN

    just messin around

    dam pissing around the plant! thats pretty fuckin smart! ima definitely try it
  17. MURKN

    question on when to start growing...

    yea i already have a certain place to plant a couple plants, and i was also thinking about the chicken wire for protection
  18. MURKN

    just messin around

    im talking about puting chicken wire over it
  19. MURKN


    yea but iv heard g13 is like the "same" thing as pineapple express
  20. MURKN

    question on when to start growing...

    yea, last night i put my seeds in a baggy with paper towels and water to sprout my seeds. so maybe in 2-5 days il plant them in a pot P.S is it better to plant in a clay pot ,a styrofoam cup or a water bottle cut in half?