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  1. D

    Help on too nutrient rich organic soil

    What I would recommend is checking the PH of the run off of your plants. If your R/O water is already at an 8.1 and you added dolomite lime and less peat moss, it sounds like the lime is breaking down and ruining your PH further. This could be causing a nutrient lockout making your leaves...
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    Dying, crispy leaves

    The way the damage to your leaves looks is exactly like my plants looked when I got whitefly's. If you have them if you shake the plant you should see a bunch of white things flying around. Pests go for weak plants first, so you always have some plants that look great and then some that look...
  3. D

    Why are all my leaves falling ?

    Have you been feeding it? Those leaves look nute burned to me, when the leaves die from the end of the cycle they start yellowing first. Auto's are easy to burn.
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    Dying, crispy leaves

    Shake the plant and check to see if there are any white bugs flying around.
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    Simple organic led grow "strain hunt"

    I'm confused do you have two different rooms running different watts? Or did you go from 1k watts getting 300g dry to 2240 watts of LED and started yielding 2088g? Getting almost a gram a watt is crazy. Can you let me know where you got your lights from and what price they were? I don't...
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    Cooking supersoil when its cold out

    When you say cook soil you mean an organic soil blend correct? Although people use the term "cook" this doesn't actually have to do with the temperature of the soil. The cooking part is letting all your amendments break down and compost. All this requires is for the soil to be moistened and...
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    Whitefly infestation, late flower- Organic solution?

    Aren't the hot shot strips really toxic for the grow area? I'm trying to keep everything organic and not spray anything on this plant because it is covered in buds. Oddly they only seem to be on this plant right now. Now that it's warming up in my area I'm thinking it is the increase in...
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    Whitefly infestation, late flower- Organic solution?

    Hello, I just noticed tonight some tiny white bugs flying around one of my plants I'm close to harvesting. Does anyone know a good way I can take care of these without effecting my flower and keeping it organic? It appears they are whitefly's, something I have never had before but read can be...
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    Help on too nutrient rich organic soil

    You know what, that's actually a great point about a dying plant not using many nutrients. I will go ahead and pull the trigger and cull these 2. I'm still in the phase where I hate to kill a plant I've been growing for several months, but its time. Such a bummer because these were both...
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    Help With Leaf Issues (Please!)

    Are there any in particular that stand out? Wouldn't a salt build up eventually occur in a no till organic soil situation at some point?
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    Help With Leaf Issues (Please!)

    Hey, Quick question if you don't mind, and this may sound dumb, be warned. What would be causing the salt toxicity? Isn't the idea of using organic nutrients so we aren't using salt based fertilizers? Or is this something that gradually builds up from lets say using tap water, etc..?
  12. D

    Help on too nutrient rich organic soil

    Hey guys, So I made a second batch of organic soil to grow in and I went way too heavy on nutrients (Mostly was trying to use up my blood and bone meal as I do not want to grow with these any longer, as well as some slight deficiencies in the last few weeks of my last grow). I transplanted...