Search results

  1. Rozgreenburn

    Brothers Grimm

    Brothers Grimm has 9 packs of testers for $26 and they are BOGO as well. Happy hunting
  2. Rozgreenburn

    Roz's realizations

    Just finished curing some killer smoke. Candy Mints from Shoreline @ Strainly & GLG, 8 week finish from flip, sweet and tasty and hard as rock. No plastic grinders for her! Luv Knit!
  3. Rozgreenburn

    Shorelines "Candy Mints"

    I finished Candy Mints a few weeks ago, and wow! Rock hard finish at 8 weeks from the flip. She has a candied floral nose with lots of sweetness! I recommend for certain! :clap: No problems at all, easy and worthy of my efforts! She will remain in my stable for some time. I would caution against...
  4. Rozgreenburn

    Remember, friends don't let friends flush healthy plants.

    Nearly every day someone comes in and asks when to flush. Nearly every time the OP gets pissy and belligerent. How long can this go on, and where the fuck does it keep coming from? Why ask for advise you won't accept? IMO the most important rule to adhere to on RIU is to not to give bad advise...
  5. Rozgreenburn

    Help me find an awesome laughing type weed.

    Once in a while, someone would produce a weed that just made everything funny or else we'd sitting around smiling. My anti depressants need a serious boost:cry:.
  6. Rozgreenburn

    Fabric pots dry too quickly.

    I hesitated using fabric pots due to everyone bitching that they dry out too fast. I am starting some 5 gallon fabric pots for an experiment. I will run 5 plants planted directly into pots, I will run 5 others side by side. The second 5, I simply put a plastic "wal-mart" bag inside the fabric...
  7. Rozgreenburn

    Premium seed market?

    Has anyone had experience here? Looks like some nice gear.
  8. Rozgreenburn

    Fungus Gnats, problem?

    I'm deciding what to do about a modest gnat problem. I've read that they are not as problematic in organic grows. How harmful would a small dose of BT be for my soil microbes? I've got decades of synthetic experience but I have committed to organic living soil and the learning journey I'm...
  9. Rozgreenburn

    Just sayin' hey,

    Hey, Happy growing y'all, I been happy with this site, Lots of good advise and innovative ideas. After 30 plus years I decided to go organic after reading the "Revs" TLO manual. I've got a lot of unlearning to do but without change something in us sleeps, and seldom, if ever awakens! This...
  10. Rozgreenburn

    Need inoculation substrate mix recipe

    After starting with a kit, I'm ready to go solo. I just need a recipe for inoculation with spore syringe.
  11. Rozgreenburn

    Best PS spawn suppliers.

    Looking for M mushroom spores. Need good stuff as this will be my first try. Where should I look?
  12. Rozgreenburn

    Hey CO2 help.

    I want to switch to an LP burner for co2. It seems someone must have done a homemade set up. any ideas?