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  1. qwerty

    starting indoors?

    ok so if i wanna start my plants inside but stealth is and issue how long should i keep them inside so they will transplant well?
  2. qwerty

    cfl help plz

    Hey i got some cfls trying to hook up by multiple wiring them but i dont know what wires to use to connect each bulb and what to do after i have wired the desired nubmer like how to plug em in etc. If u know how to do this it would be greatly appreciated. P.S. dont give me mogie's it has...
  3. qwerty

    lights lol

    Ok so im tryign to wire the lights for my grow box. I have light fixtures to screw in bulbs and on the other side are 2 black and 2 white wires. I would like some help as to what to do with these from someone with some experience because my mix and match attempt threw out my circuit breaker. Thx...
  4. qwerty

    Starting indoors

    Well im gonna to be planting for my first time soon and id like to start indoors but not for too long how long should i keep em inside before stansplanting to my site?
  5. qwerty

    motherboard fan

    how do i i rewire a motherboard fan. it has FOUR wires and im not sure what do with em alll lol the colors are black,green,yellow, and blue thx
  6. qwerty

    Wiring A Heat Sink Help!!

    ok how would go about wiring a heat sink what would i need where would i get (preferable household stuff) try and be specific and simple im not an eletrician :)
  7. qwerty

    DRY BOX!! eek help

    ok so im gonna be needing dry box for my weed i got an abundance of computer fans and (sorry if this is stupid) how do i wire them to work out of an outlet thx