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  1. bluebudmagnus

    Great Stoner Quotes

    that is some good shit, i want some of that inspiration xx
  2. bluebudmagnus

    I want to start growing!!

    yeah im growing at my friends, there is no way she could grass me up, and she could try and steal some for sure, but i'm trusting her with it. she's a good gal and i'll make it worth her while!! No worries man, chill, skin up xx
  3. bluebudmagnus

    Great Stoner Quotes

    I've just remembered something, I regularly buy a prticular type of skins/papers called Highland Skins. Not sure if you can get them outside the UK. But, they come with dedicated roach card with slogans/poems/generally witty shit. some of my favourites are... Don't get angry, get...
  4. bluebudmagnus

    Great Stoner Quotes

    haha sick, i do the man man thing all the time. after smoking a few doobies my friend invented something incredible. He'd be a revolutionary thinker had he been born aboout 10,000 years ago. The words that came out of his mouth went a little something like this... Friend: Ah, wouldn't it be...
  5. bluebudmagnus

    I want to start growing!!

    It's a Salvador Dali painting, getting the elephant n the right tattooed on my stomach/chest pretty soon. You should check Dali's work out, it's beautiful!!
  6. bluebudmagnus


    Mmhhmm, I hear that. I've only got the one tat atm, but currently saving for a couple of pieces across my chest and rib cage. looking forward to it to say the least!! By the by, I'm new so hi/high!!bongsmilie
  7. bluebudmagnus

    I want to start growing!!

    thanks man, i'll be hovering in the background over the next few days and weeks. xx
  8. bluebudmagnus

    I want to start growing!!

    Evening all!! I've just registered and looking forward to spending many happy, and stoned, hours in here!! So, first of all, thanks for having me and any help, tips or info would be most gratefully appreciated!!! The reason for my post tonight is that I've recently bought my first batch of...