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  1. C

    Flowering Advice: CFL Lights

    Currently, I've got two plants of g13 about a feet tall each which has been sitting in vegging stage for over month and a half. they look mostly all healthy. I've 5 26 watt Florocent white bulbs on it. I'm thinking of putting them into flowering stage soon, just wanted to understand if I need...
  2. C

    Should I Buy this?

    All, I'm 2nd time grower (indoors) currently have two mother plants growing in my room under 4 CFL's.. I want to switch to Hydroponics for the clones that i grow? I've been debating whether to make my own or just get one off ebay.. this looks pretty cheap under $30 and reliable.. 8 plant growing...
  3. C

    Why Order seeds when you can get clones?

    So I'm curious why do people deal with finding reputable sites to order seeds from when they can just clone the hell out of their female plant? I've got my first clone plant off craigslist for guy who sells them for $10. It was guranteed to be female which it is. Is ordering seeds much...
  4. C

    Is it necessary to dig the holes in sand every few days?

    I know one of the most common thing that is overlooked by indoor growers is Amount of oxygen that plants get.. One of the main reason many growers turn to aero-hydro water system from soil one. I'm still on indoor soil system , is it necessary to dig the soil every few days with maybe a knife...
  5. C

    Lighting Advice needed: 24/7 or 18/6?

    I have two g13 clones growing rightnow with 3 on vegging state and have 3 23 watts floro lights covering it about an inch away from the plants. they are showing good progress and with few yellow leaves on the bottom, which i was told not to worry about too much. Should I keep lights on 24/7 or...
  6. C

    G13: First time Grower needs advice about the setup

    All, I apologize in advance if I am posting under the wrong section. I've got two g13 clones that I have planted indoors. First two days, I kept them outside in lobby but they weren't getting enough sun so i decided to bring them in. I did my research and realized I can give them light 18...