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  1. C

    Blooming w/FloraNov, when should I add my boosters?

    Hey fellow growers, I have been running in bloom for about 2 weeks now on a beast (was vegged really well) of a sativa-hybrid plant. Not exactly sure which strain... Anyhow, on week one of bloom I added only about 3 tsp of FloraNova then upped it to 5 tsp for the second week. I am going to be...
  2. C

    Computer Case CFL Grow (first)

    Hey i've been floating around these forums for a while, getting inspired by all the awesome compact grow rooms... then i had an extra computer case laying around... so i gutted it, put in a power strip along the top and stuck 2 CFLs in it. I just bought a clone of AK47 which i potted and put...