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    SWEET i juST GOT my TUDE SEEdS!! in CaLi!!

    Purchased Ice and Northern Lights x Shiva from the Tude.. i live in northern cali and i placed my order on the 25th of march.. shipped the 26th and got here on april 2nd =) thats what... 7 days?? not even buisness days hehe =) THE tUDE ROCks AND HAS ANOTHER LOYAL CUSTOMer!!bongsmilie
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    how many plants can i optimally grow with a 400 w hps/mh light

    Im going to be purchasing a growlight.. probably the one from HTG supply.. with the MH conversion bulb.. and i was just wondering.. wouldnt that be more than enough lighting for a grow of say 2-3 plants?? how many plants maximum do you think i could grow sufficiently under that lighting? thanks...
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    First time order: The Attitude!! Insight Please

    Hi i just placed my first order for the TUDe 2 days ago!! hehe im a newb grower.. ima try my first grow soon. i ordered Nirvanas iCe and Nirvans Northern Lights x Shiva, and i receievd the 5 Thai super skunk seeds and one Fem Giga bud seed, i was just wondering if you think the two strains i...
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    What do I think about the illegality Of Marijuana?

    What do I think about the illegality of marijuana? Well, for starters I think that marijuana being outlawed is for reasons that pertain to the governments interests. The government is clearly about profit and control, as can be seen clearly by its “acceptance” of alcohol and...
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    question about buying single 150 w hps bulbs

    say i bought like a few bulbs... what else do i need to actually produce light from them?? where would i buy some sort of connector to plug into an outlet./.. i guess what im saying is what is the process from buying a bulb... to actually getting it to produce electricity?? is it hard to?? can...
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    Can someone help me with The most basic growroom setup?

    I've been roaming around and reading alot lately and thinking about starting my first grow... this is everything that i think i need so far Light timer - where is the cheapest i can some of these? Lights - what is the cheapest lighting (like lowest watts - to like decent wattage)i needed say to...