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  1. L


    Can someone diagnose my baby? It looks like she has nitrogen and maybe calcium deficiency but at the same time looks like she has nitrogen toxicity? Is that the case? If so is this normal and will she make it? What should i do? Any other noticable problems with this plant?
  2. L

    How do?

    I plan on doing a perpetual SOG. This is my 4X2 flood table i plan to eventually fill with 32 6" pots. Every 2 weeks i wanna put 8 new clones of an 8 week flower indica strain in and harvest 8 out. My question to anyone willing is: This is my area available for a mother and cloning station...
  3. L

    This would work for cannabis right?

    I found this instructable and was wondering if this would work well for a SOG with Super Skunk strain. I can currently fit about 50 6" black pots in my flower room, but want to switch To hydro...