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  1. Incognigrow

    What do you think had?

    Had to harvest it. Day 63 no accurate day on this thing and I looked everywhere. Think it could have went 70 but oh well 78 grams wet
  2. Incognigrow

    What do you think had?

    Had to harvest it. Day 63 no accurate day on this thing and I looked everywhere. Think it could have went 70 but oh well will let the other gobthat long. 78 grams wet
  3. Incognigrow

    Harvest half my auto

    Quick question, has anyone ever harvested part of an auto and left the lowers to mature? Thinking of giving this a try. Tops really dense and bottom not bad but...
  4. Incognigrow

    Help pleased / Bugs or deficiency?

    Got these brown spots all over my fan leaves on a couple of plants. No visible signs of pest so was wondering if it could be a nutrient deficiency. My grow is all organic I only give me molasses and roots organic serge.
  5. Incognigrow

    How big should I expect my plants to get?

    How big should I expect my plants to get in 5 gallon smart pots.
  6. Incognigrow

    Comments please on my LST. First timer

    This is a yesterday, a few hours after tying down, already starting to recover. This morning This afternoon
  7. Incognigrow

    The new grow

    2 dedoverde haze, 1 Ogre, and 1 sugar candy. All autos except the sugar candy. The 3 bigger ones were planted at the same time. The smallest, the ogre, started small and has grown very slowly.
  8. Incognigrow

    Will raid kill marijuana.

    Long story short used what was supposed to be fruit and veg pesticide and it turned out to be RAID OMG. So anywho now I see brown spots all over my gorgeous girl. Will she die?
  9. Incognigrow

    Are these hairs?

  10. Incognigrow

    Check her outm!

    About a month 1/2 in. About to push it in to flower to start the b
  11. Incognigrow

    Homemade organic tea?

    Tell me if this could hurt my plant. My cousin started a garden a couple of years ago and let go. Anywho she was growing all organic and left her fert out. I went by the other day and got it. It had been rained in, half full of water and smelled like sewage. Figured it must be some pretty good...
  12. Incognigrow

    Help save Irene

    Ok so it's official I've established that I don't have a green thumb. In just about a week I've managed to almost kill my plants. A little over a month into my grow and things I could say where going fine. Then a string of bad weather comes through. first the wind blows her down and breaks off...
  13. Incognigrow


    I think I cut off too much. What now?
  14. Incognigrow

    Stranger among us!

    Hi I'm a first time grower. I have a plant I started from seed, bag seed from some surprisingly seedy, yet strong $hi+....So anywho I'm growing it out and this is what it looks like. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Incognigrow

    Check out my seedling

    Ok first plant ever. Got a lot of questions, but first off how does it look? About 3 weeks in from bag seed so I know nothing of its genes or origins.