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  1. tynen

    Pinapple Express Auto Training Advice?

    Hey guys! I've got a Pinapple Express Auto that is currently in day 12 since sprouting from the ground (from seed). I'm using Fox Farm potting soil, FloraMicro nutes, 2 X 300 WAT MarsHydro 24/0. I heard that LST was the only training method for Auto plants, this is the method I want to try with...
  2. tynen

    Re-flower after harvest?

    Hello! I just signed up for this forum, and I've already read a lot of quality posts! I'm excited to become a part of the community! Here's my first question so far: Can you re-veg and re-flower from a plant that's been harvested? Or is it a complete waste of time? Does the bud from a second...