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  1. W


    So yesterday I picked some mushrooms from my cakes and immediately stored them in a plastic bag not thinking much of it, planning to dry them when the full harvest is picked. Today I just learned that storing fresh shrooms in a plastic bag will make them rot very quickly. So I took them out and...
  2. W

    Mycelium Cake Waterlogged?

    Hey guys. So I'm just getting the hang of growing mushrooms and I stumbled across a problem. Basically I finished the first flush of a mycelium cake and I dunked and rolled it again. I was very eager for the second flush to happen because I had plans to take them with a friend. But after a few...
  3. W

    Are mushrooms still good for your brain even if you had a bad trip?

    Hey guys. So yesterday I took shrooms for the second time, and this time I experienced a bad trip - or at least I think it was a bad trip. Basically I was sitting alone in my apartment when I took them, and I was watching Family Guy on Netflix. If someone was watching me they would think I was...
  4. W

    (Help) Update on my first mushroom grow

    Hey guys. So for my first mushroom grow I'm growing b+. And I'm very happy to say things seem to be turning out great. I have 2 large mushrooms, and about 8 smaller mushrooms. There is a little bit of blue on the cake and I'm pretty sure that's because I played with it a little too much and...
  5. W

    update on my first mushroom grow

    Hey guys. So a few weeks ago I inoculated a substrate jar with spores for the very first time. And things are going pretty well so I figured I would update you guys on what's been going on and see what I should do once the jar is fully colonized. RECAP: - I inoculated 2 jars with about 5cc...
  6. W

    Accidentally squirted half the syringe into one innoculation jar

    Hey guys. So I'm trying to grow mushrooms and I was having trouble with the syringe full of spores and I accidentally squirted half the syringe into one innoculation jar. I don't know the exact measurements of the jar but it's pretty small. Did I fuck it up? Lol I couldn't find anything on...
  7. W

    Need guidance through my first mushroom grow

    So my current living situation is I am 19 and still living with my parents. They know I smoke weed but they don't really care. They're not by any means strict parents. I'm just not sure how they would react if they found out I was growing mushrooms. I don't think they would really care and I...
  8. W

    How my 4/20 went

    Hey guys. So at 11pm on 4/19 I went to my friends house to roll a mega joint. I came an hour before midnight so we would have enough time to roll it and spark it when midnight hits and it's 4/20. We were having a lot of trouble rolling it all at once so we ended up rolling a bunch of regular...
  9. W

    My first experience with mushies

    Hey guys. So as some of you already know i was planning on taking a trip on some mushrooms this weekend for the first time. I just want to share my experience so I'm gonna get right into it. I had 2 grams which I grinded up and put in a small cup and mixed it with lemon juice. After about 15...
  10. W

    Doing Shrooms again. Doing it right

    Hey guys. So earlier this week I posted my first topic about doing mushrooms for the first time. I was able to obtain mushies, but there were a few problems. 1 - I only had .6 grams because that's all the person who sold it to me had at the time. 2 - I tried waiting til the weekend to take them...
  11. W

    Doing Shrooms for the First Time - Lemon Tek

    Hey guys. Newcomer here. First topic, hope it gives me what I'm looking for. So yeah, gonna do shrooms for the first time. I'll give you a little background information first So the only drug I ever messed with was weed. I started smoking every day since I was 17. I'm 19 now and I decided it's...