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  1. P

    First time grower needs some asstintce, pleaseeeeee

    Ok here is my problem I vegged 11 plants under a 400 watt MH and i have grown them too big , alot of the bottom branches are tvery weak and are not getting much light, is it worth getting a 600 watt hps to flower them . The space i am growing in 6 foot long by 3 foot wide. Pleaseeeee reply
  2. P

    another yield question, with pictures

    im useing 400 watt MH, vegging for 12 weeks, useing nuets, useing hydro, with suffcients extraction, growing 10 cheese, have a guess what do u think im gonna get .
  3. P

    best lights for a grow tent

    hello people , wat would be the best light or lights for a grow tent 1.2M X 1.2M X 2M plz reply
  4. P

    gas growth genarators

    hello people , as its hard to get co2 canisters in the uk i was looking at other options . I came across the gas growth generator that burns propane gas to produce co2, does any one know if its any good . will it be worth it in a grow tent the size 1.2M X 1.2M X 2M.:?::eyesmoke:
  5. P

    how many bid bud plants could i fit in a grow room Size 1.mx1.mx2.0m

    Hello hello, how many bid bud plants could i fit in a grow room Size 1.mx1.mx2.0m. plz reply thank uuuuuuuuuuu
  6. P

    Average yield of a big bud plant

    hiya, i got a square meter of growing space a 600 watt hps and 2 flouresent tubes and im not useing co2 , wat ure guess be for a yield of a first time grower. bongsmilie
  7. P

    average yield of a big bud plant

    Ive got a square meter growing space a 600 watt hps and a 2 flouresent light, and im notting useing co2 , on average wat do u think i would yield from a big bud plant. plz reply
  8. P

    quetion about lights

    ive got a floresent lights and a 600 watt hps light, how should i use them should i start them off on the floresent on its own and the hps after a while (and if so how long) or start them of together. if som 1 reply i would b gratful