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    New Flowering Pics

    Alright so my girls 3 weeks 12/12 today starts the 4th tell me what you think
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    where is the bud

    ok so i see the hairs theres alot but wheres the bud?
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    New flower Pics and a questioin

    What are these banana things?
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    What so you think?

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    Flowering Question

    Ok So my plants be 12/12 for 2 weeks now its on it 3rd but i has these little banana looking this near the hairs on the nodes. what are they?
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    New flower pics unknown bagseed

    Tell Me What You Think
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    Can you smoke a hermi i mean will it make buds
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    Female Flowers

    are these female?
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    Male Or Female???

    Is it a Male or Female?
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    First time grow

    What do ya think
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    does FIM work well?
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    Do you like?

    Do you like democracy?
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    New pics!!!

    Tell Me What You Think. Ready to flower?
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    I Started

    I started 12/12 yesterday how long should it take like 12 weeks
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    Just thought id post a thread see what yall thougth about the "New World Order"
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    BUrrrrrrrrr Its cold!!

    How bad will the cold affect the plant
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    How does it look??

    how does my plant look
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    First time pleaze help!!!!

    my plants about a month and nine days from seed, i was wondering when i should start flowering?