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  1. ajckcc

    NEW GROW: Auto Fem northern lights

    Hello everyone at RIU new grow here! Just got my order from herbies acouple of days ago and instantly started germinating, cracked and showed taproot in only 2 days! Planted right into soil and used spray bottle to water when needed(not often) sprouted after another 2 days and now i have it...
  2. ajckcc

    New grower possible female already?

    Was looking at my plants today and noticed these, im a noob to growing,around 3 1/2 weeks old hit a cold snap and stunted alittle here's pics
  3. ajckcc

    First time grower which low budget nute is the best?

    What nute can I use for everything veg and flower that is kind of cheap, preferably off Amazon , any help is greatly appreciated
  4. ajckcc

    AJCKCC'S First time GROW! CFL GROW! Come join

    Hey guys growing some old bagseed with some good ole CFLS! My first real grow! Using regular potting soil with a nitrogen boost in it, one light is 4 inch's above them and the other light is in between them 4 inch's away from each plant. There getting around 16 too 18 hours of light a day, since...
  5. ajckcc

    New grower trying too find best light that i have available! HELP

    Hey guys im farely new too growing and just recently started, i started the 2 plants i have with CFLS, there unknown bagseed! PICS Heres the lights i have that i can use the CFLS too the left are the ones iv been using, didnt know if i use the floodlight cause it puts out 1000lumens , like i...
  6. ajckcc

    HELP ! First time grower low budget grow

    Hey guys I'm Farley new too this site and growing lol, this morning saw alittle bit of yellow on the tips of my plants
  7. ajckcc

    1st ever grow! New to website!

    Hey guys! New too the site just started growing from some random bagseed and wanted too see where it would go! Running a homage box, still need too paint white, two inlet fans 1 outlet fan, 2 100 watt cfls, was thinking a scrog but everywhere I looked it sounded so complicated! Well anyways...
  8. ajckcc

    First time grower and new too site!

    Hello everyone at rollitup I'm really new too growing and this website, I'm growing for self use only for me and my wife,so I started with my bagseed from awhile back and germinated them successfully and planted them in some planting pots with some regular potting soil with a nitrogen boost in...