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  1. J

    How to use 4" Rockwool cubes-- Important Info!

    I have scouted around and looked everywhere and this information is NOT to be had; too bad, because if you are going to grow in 4" Rockwool cubes you need it. Most instructions tell you to pre soak the cubes for as long as 24 hrs--WRONG. if you do prepare to wait a long time for your plants to...
  2. J

    System Design --Drip plus Ebb and Flow table

    I built a table out of 2x4's to support the tray-buy a commercial growing tray with drainage channels for 30 to 50 bucks. Don't try to build one out of plywood; which was my first idea --You will never get it to hold water and it will cause you endless problems -- just build a square frame and...
  3. J

    pH up powder mixing formula

    I have used GH pH up with good results. I then discovered that the powder was available, at a much cheaper price. However I was unable to discover, anywhere on the Internet, including the GH site how to mix up the solution. Since I was familiar with the liquid product I wanted to know how to...
  4. J

    Please comment on my new system design

    My new system features a 2x4 foot grow table; angled down 1 1/2 inches; clones from 2 " rockwool cubes ....14 on the table Irrigation drip from emitters, cycled for 2 minutes per day; Growing in 4 inch Rockwool Cubes on a coco mat 1/4 inch thick. Using GH nutes. Reservoir is 20 gallons. I ll...
  5. J

    Is this Design for Ebb and Flow Ok... Will it work?

    I have a designed system that I created by reading lots of posts. Please let me know if you think it will work OK, or let me know the problems it may create. Here is my ebb and flow system: It is a 2x4 table on which I plan to grow 14 plants in 4inch Rockwool cubes sitting on a coco mat. My...