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  1. O

    harvest time question

    i may run intot some time constraints as far as harvesting. As of now, the plants have been under 12/12 light for 1 week, but i may need to harvest them when they are about 6-7 weeks flowering. What, if any would be the concenquenses of harvesting the plants early. also, can anyone give me a...
  2. O

    2 plants, 1 pot

    is it possible to have 2 plants in one pot. right now i have (4) 1 gal pots, each with 2 plants. They are 8 days old, growing under 4 40w flouro tubes. is this a really dumb idea, or could it work. i will have to keep them pretty short becasue of hieght restriction (under 3 feet), so i was...
  3. O

    lighting question

    this might be a stupid question, but i have no idea. anyway...can you just put a metal halide or HPS bulb in a regular light bulb socket, or do u need a special thing. i am asking because i am trying to avoid buying an expensive HPS or MH lighting system. also, how much wattage should i look...
  4. O

    first time...need advice

    me and my buddy have made a grow room but i have some doubts. we are just trying to grow for personal use so we didn't want to spend a lot of money. here is the you guys think that it will work? location: in a crawlspace on top story of house (somewhat like an attic) lights: 2...