Search results

  1. Hoobostanky

    Cheap, effective light reflectors for CFL growing

    I have found a great source for cheap, aluminum-surfaced light reflectors. My local dollar store here in the Southwest sells the folding, automobile sun reflectors for a dollar. The reflectors have a curved, cut-out for the rear-view mirror; I overlap them to cover that up and line the walls...
  2. Hoobostanky

    My CFL indoor portable closet queen setup

    Total investment $200 US greenbacks, pieced together from Wallymart, the dollar store and Lowe's. Portable chrome laundry cart, on wheels. Waiting for seed germ to complete and away I go, wish me luck.
  3. Hoobostanky

    quick question ?? on seed germination

    I am growing under CFLs in a hydro-aero rubbermaid setup, not a drip, with 1.5 rockwool cubes in pellets. I'm confused as to how and when I transfer the critters into the rockwool. I am germinating seeds and they have started to crack open. When do I put them into the rockwool and how do I...
  4. Hoobostanky

    Sub-Grow 2008

    This was my low ryder experiment in the back yard. So far three ladies are looking good. Clear trichomes, soon to be amber. Out of 10 seeds, 7 went male, three are precious cargo and smell good. :cry: I planted a ton of basil and a kaffir lime tree; regular and thai basil around them to...
  5. Hoobostanky

    Name Your Favorite Bugs!

    What are your favorite bugs you notice with your outdoor grows? I want to share mine, I have several helpers doing me a lot of favors, keeping my ladies in good shape. I have a plethora of lizards, chameleons and birds. I have about 5 praying mantises who respect each other and are quite...
  6. Hoobostanky

    Lighting questions for indoor Hydro

    bongsmilie Hey guys... I have a few questions maybe someone can help with. I am moving indoors and setting up a hydro garden. I was going to go with CFLs because of the heat factor and I want to keep it small. I'm using two hydro-6 units and planned on putting two full spectrum CFLs per...