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  1. D

    Liquid filled bong with removeable chamber - anyone know where you can find this?!

    A couple days ago I stumbled across a site that had this glass bong with a removeable chamber filled with some sort of special liquid which could be frozen and then put back into the bong for use (you donbt freeze the whole bong, only the chamber part).... but i cant remember the site, and its...
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    stealth bong?

    I remember seeing a couple in some older movies that looked like a lamp but when you took off the top it was really a bong. Do these exist? Basically, do you know of any stealth bongs?
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    what is Joint Doctor’s “1-2-3” continuous harvest method

    I have read a couple people comment on that they were considering doing this method so as to have a perpetual continuous yield, but what is it? Can someone help me out
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    Why do people here use smaller multiple CFL's as opposed to one or two big ones?

    Same as title: I am curious as to why people use, for examples sake, 6 small CFL's instead of 2 big ones?
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    CFL only grow, is it worth it... or do you need HPS?

    I am starting a microgrow and have heard mixed opinions on this matter. Originally i was told to use CFL's only as they give off little heat, are cheap/easy to replace, and more forgiving in small spaces. But then i was told you wont yield anything worth while with only CFLs, that HPS was needed.
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    Starting a stealth microgrow but can't decide which cabinet to use - speaker or PC

    I know I am going to receive A LOT of flack for asking such a question but I am trully only growing for personal use (which is the occasional recreational smoker) and due to living in a apartment styled housing with numerous others living within literally spitting distance stealth is of the out...
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    Would something like this work well for a stealth grow?

    Originally, I was planning on doing a stealth PC grow as it best suits my current situation but then i found these and thought I'd ask on here what the experts' opinions were. Here the cab is: Quest Q600 Tower Floor Speakers The 2nd set...
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    What is the biggest computer case one can buy?

    I am thinking of starting a stealth PC grow but the majority of cases I am finding are way too small, I want something larger than 24". The problem is I can't find any. Does anyone here have any links/sites/sources
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    anyone used mrgrowpro's PC box ?

    Here is the site for it: - Grow Your Own - 34 - Male - Sin City, Nevada - I'm thinking of buying it but wondered what others thought of it
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    How long will the bud last, and what can I store it in to prolong its lifespan?

    I have been considering starting a personal use grow op but am trying to figure out what size of set up i need. So, to help figure things out... how long will a yield last once its been dried? Is there anyway to prolong its life so it lasts longer?
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    Why is it that the pothead sub-culture shuns other drugs?

    I have often wondered this. In my town, many potheads - or naturalists/herbalists - like to look down upon shroom, cacti, e, coke, etc, users and i was wondering where this came from. I am actually considering writting a paper on this for self interest. Why is this the attitude of many potheads?
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    mrgrowpro's PC grow box - anyone here used it?

    Here is the site: - Grow Your Own - 34 - Male - Sin City, Nevada - I know a couple people on another forum i frequent have mentioned they at one time bought one but I have not been able to get a review of the product from them