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  1. Z

    Transplantng question...

    When you transplant a house plant they tell you to loosen the rootball a little if the plant is rootbound....would you do that with a pot plant too or just repot as is?
  2. Z

    Indoor grow - fabric pots or regular pots....what size?

    Hi all..on our second grow now and want to see if we can improve on our yield. Made a few mistakes first time around but came through it okay anyways but would like to avoid some issues if possible. Have some babies about 4 to 5 weeks old and about 8 inches tall in red solo cups, what is the...
  3. Z

    Seed pods or calyxes along with bananas a plant that's close to harvest...has what looks like seed pods on it but if you squeeze them liquid comes out, but I did find one with a tiny white thing inside which I presume is a seed...plant is also sprouting the yellow bananas...should I cut it down now or should I just let it...
  4. Z

    Salt buildup?

    I keep seeing the term "salt buildup" appear in threads, can someone tell me exactly what "salt buildup" will do to your plants?
  5. Z

    Cold air and spider mites....

    Was told to put an a/c in the window and leave it running overnite to get the room as cold as possible to kill spider mites....anyone ever heard this or tried it?
  6. Z

    Activated Carbon/Charcoal

    Will it still absorb odors if filters or containers of it are just placed in room and not hooked up to an exhaust vent?
  7. Z

    Grasshoppers or Praying Mantis....

    Can either of these bugs hurt your plants?