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  1. SlimReefer

    My baby's a lady :)

    So i just checked on my girl before lights off and to my absolute delight discovered tiny little pistils popping up all over the place :D I was starting to worry it might be male as its been on 12/12 for 13 days and has, until now, shown no sign of pubic growth. But alas the hairs are here. As...
  2. SlimReefer

    Will these MH bulbs work?

    This may sound like a stupid question but I'm only halfway through my first grow, using cfl's, so im not too confident in my lighting knowledge. I came across these...
  3. SlimReefer

    Mutated leaf?

    Hi all, my girl's 5 weeks and one day old and all in all looking good. She had her top chopped 8 days ago and in my amateur opinion has recovered beautifully... I have however noticed a "deformity" on one of the new leaves... You'll notice that the leaf has grown unevenly and has "forked" at...
  4. SlimReefer

    First grow, 24 days old. How's my baby looking?

    Thread title's pretty self explanatory, just looking for some confirmation that my plant's looking healthy. Also, any maintenance tips etc. would be greatly appreciated. Strain unknown, Lights 2x 42w CFL on 18/6, Closet Temp around the 76F mark (same at canopy height) The seedling in the...
  5. SlimReefer

    My seedling just suffered a 14hour powercut

    Apologies if this is trivial or ha been answered before. As you'll see this is my first post, I prefer to search and read thus eliminating the need to ask silly questions but I couldn't find an answer for this. My seedling is 12 days old currently on 24-0 living in my simple closet setup.i...