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  1. coolerthanyou

    Screamo, post hardcore?

    Anybody a fan of screamo bands? let me know.
  2. coolerthanyou

    2nd day into flower

    So i just put my girl into flower and i'm wondering if theres anything i need to know about this stage. i'm growing in soil at eight weeks old. i repotted her and tidied up the grow space. any info would be great thanks:)
  3. coolerthanyou

    One baby leaf has turned yellow!

    Okay so when i went to water today i saw that one of my girl's new leaves at the bottom was turned yellow halfway through with a slightly brown vein. Any idea what this could implify? All her other leaves are fine and she's lookin great after a bad nute deficiency.
  4. coolerthanyou

    Odd brown spots on fan leaves

    Okay so this is my first grow. all natural no nutes or anything. i know its not light burn cause i've already encountered this (lol) and its spreading through to the newer leaves too. Can anyone please tell me what it could be? sorry the pics are bad my only camera is on my phone.