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  1. SWED1985

    Both Strains Developing Issues After Feeding - Pics

    I have two strains that are 3 weeks into flowering. I fed them a teaspoon of Big Bloom each with their watering last week. They are now both having the same issue: some leaves are yellowing at the edges, but not all, and the very tip of the leaves are pointing down and brown. Organic soil...
  2. SWED1985

    1K HPS Distance - Relative to Temperature

    Hey everyone. I have a question regarding my setup. I've seen all of the HPS distance charts and whatnot; however, I would appreciate input from those that have had situations like mine. I have a 48"x48"x80" tent. 1000w HPS. 400 CFM fan that turns on at 78 degrees F. Now, I'm getting canopy...
  3. SWED1985

    Underfed or overwatered in veg? Pics.

    These were freebies from a recent order. They are La Bella Afrodita and Cole Train. They are several weeks old. The lower leaves are slowly yellowing. I already clipped off two leaves that yellowed completely. The soil dries quickly given 80-88 degree temps and 18 oz cups, so I've had to water...
  4. SWED1985

    LED vs. T5 for Veg - Opinions Wanted

    Hey guys, I want some opinions on which of my lights I should use for seedlings/clones/mothers - general vegetative growing. I have a 432w mixed-spectrum T5 lamp, and I have a 180w (draws ~125-130w) Apollo 4 LED lamp. My concern centers around coverage and light falloff. I feel like the LED...
  5. SWED1985

    LED lamp too close? Help!

    I recently replaced my 8-bulb T5 veg lamp with a 180w LED. I was told I could get this lamp just as close to the plants as I can with fluorescent lamps; however, after a couple weeks, they are looking pretty rough. The other variable: I went with a different veg nutrient, so I was also concerned...
  6. SWED1985

    4 strains; 3 weeks into vegging. I need some help.

    I came to this site initially because I've decided to try indoor since I've been doing outdoor for some time. I guess I gave mother nature too much credit for her abilities because I'm now having some issues. lol Anyway, as I mentioned, there are 4 strains, and they are 3 weeks old in FF Ocean...
  7. SWED1985

    Need Help Identifying Issues in Flowering

    30-35 days into flowering. This is occurring on the lower fan leaves only. I haven't checked the PH in several weeks. 3.5g bucket with Ocean Forest. Big Bloom fed 1/8 cup twice a week. Temperature is 75-80 night/85-90 day. Humidity varies from 50-70. Am I overfeeding? PH off? Please advise...
  8. SWED1985

    Need Help Identifiying Issues in Flowering

    30-35 days into flowering. This is occurring on the lower fan leaves only. I haven't checked the PH in several weeks. 3.5g bucket with Ocean Forest. Big Bloom fed 1/8 cup twice a week. Temperature is 75-80 night/85-90 day. Humidity varies from 50-70. Am I overfeeding? PH off? Please advise...
  9. SWED1985

    Temperature issues (1K HPS, 400 CFM fan, 106 cubic ft. space)

    Hey guys. I want some input on information I received from a local hydro shop owner. This man swears I should keep my fan/filter vertical - and on the floor; however, I have two issues with this notion: it takes up valuable space, and I am having temperature issues. I have a temperature...
  10. SWED1985

    Attaching fan to filter? (new to indoor)

    Hola. I'm new here, but not new to horticulture. I've been an avid outdoor grower for about 8 years (I also own a tree farm, so I love to grow everything!); however, I am giving indoor growing a try so I have something to do in the winter months. Anywho, I've uploaded a picture of a Phresh...