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  1. D

    week 5 of flowering, how close to harvest?

    my girls are on week 5 of flowering just looking for a bit of feed back and any hints and tips are apprciated! just wondering how much longer till harvest?? im geussing another 3-4 weeks?
  2. D

    looking for a bit of feedback

    This is my 1st grow and im about 2 weeks into flowering, just looking for a bit of feedback on how im doing,and to ask a question should i be trimming to let more light in? any help is awsome cheers!
  3. D

    125 cfl to 250 hps

    im currently in day 44 of veging and my plants are looking good, im using a 125cfl for now but ive got a 250hps on the way. Am i ok to put them on 12/12 now and start flowering and replace the bulb when i get it or should i just stop being impatient and just wait for the 250?
  4. D

    Should i trim?

    just curious if i should trim off these base leaves? theyre yellow-ish spots and going crispy. the Fan leaves are fine by the looks of things. here are a couple pics of whats going on, any help is greatly appriciated! since i took these pics yesterday ive moved them into bigger pots which has...
  5. D


    Hi guys this is my 1st grow and (I think) its going pritty well so far, but theres a couple things im not to sure about and youtube is no longer anyhelp to me. 1st thing is transplanting... My babies are in 4ltr pots (ruff geuss) but one is a bit bigger than the other and that one is shooting...