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  1. M


    Hey guys you should check out this new site Im not an admin or anything just spreading the love. Like I said its new so theres not the largest amount of people signed up. The site is layed out great and has some awesome features. You should check it out.
  2. M

    flowering topping clone

    Ok so I am growing several small plants under 2 2-bulb flouros. I plant on topping them when they get big enough. This top can be used as a clone right?? If so will it work to top the plants and plant the clone and leave the clones in with the rest of the plants through the rest of the veg...
  3. M

    Internet search put you on a list??

    So can searching the internet for growing information too much get you on a list or have people start watching your IP address. I know that your isp can see everything you do. And I also know that most do not monitor specific information but rather they focus on overall bandwidth. Any opinions??
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    Fewer & big or many and small

    Hi i am growing in a closet about 4'x2'x5' with 2 2-bulb 4' fluorescent lights. I am only using bag seed because that's all I can afford right now My question is should I grow a few smaller plants or go for 3 larger plants?? What I am looking for is a decent yield and quick grow. Thanks in...
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    White Widow Special needs??

    Are there any known special needs for white widow?? Websites say that it is rated a moderate growing difficulty. I have done research and the only things I have seen is WW might be sensitive to nutes and may prefer slightly higher humidity. Any insight??
  6. M

    Lights on an angle

    I am attempting to grow again but this time is extremely low budget. I am using 2 4ft flourecent lights bracketed together so they both point at the plants. My question is, is that the closet I have is slightly too small for the 4 ft lights. In order to make them fit I would have to to put...
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    AN Revive alternative?

    After a recent post I was advised to flush my plants and us revive by AN. I flushed my plants but there are 2 problems with getting the revive. I am broke and can not afford $25 and also 2 of my plants should be within a week of harvest. So my question is, is there another way to help my...
  8. M

    what and why

    3 plants miracle grow soil 4 t12 warm white bulbs temp around 80 during the day when i can read the thermometer so idk what it is at night so my plants are about 8 weeks into flowering and almost done but now this is happening. It wasn't a big deal until it started working its way up the...
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    close to harvest?

    Ok so i think i know what everyone is going to say but my pistols are turning red. Doesn't seem like the buds are really big enough and wont be for some time. Is there a rule of thumb on how long it takes after they start turning or is it like everything else and based on strain??
  10. M

    Pistols turning early

    SO this is my first grow and I recently had to move the plants. The next day I noticed that the pistols are turning brown/red way too early on one bud only. Also the leaves surrounding that bud are curling very bad. Why is it doing this?? Should i harvest that tiny bud or just let it go??