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  1. D

    co2 during first week of cloning?

    do clones take advantage of any co2 the first week? or should i wait till i move them into bigger pots?
  2. D

    what do you guys think about this air purifier?

    PlasmaWave Air Purifier - Filters & Purifiers - Air Quality - Eco Home & Outdoor - Gaiam I get a discount at gaiam and im thinking about picking this up:mrgreen: what do you guys think?
  3. D

    co2 system on the cheap side?

    I want co2 but i dont want to pay $150 for a tank and $150 for a reg.. Im only growing 2-4 plants so i dont need much. could i use a 12oz paintball co2 tank? or even maybe a scuba tank?