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  1. Bobster

    bubbler cloner expert help please!!!

    Howdy pot-ners. These WW clones have been in the bubbler for 12 days. No roots as u can see. I used only rainwater in container. I havent changed it. The cuttings look healthy for now, should i recut them and try over? I really need to root these. Thanks for looking. :confused:
  2. Bobster

    bubbler cloner expert help please!!!

    These WW clones have been in the bubbler for 12 days. No roots as u can see. I used only rainwater in container. I havent changed it. The cuttings look healthy for now, should i recut them and try over? I really need to root these. Thanks for looking. :confused:
  3. Bobster

    Im losing my WW to something tragic..

    My WW was looking great. then i noticed a swarm of whiteflies so i sprayed them with insect soap. within hours brown spots appeared and now theyve taking over and im loosing my plants. If u know what this is please help if u can......thanks so much...:confused:
  4. Bobster


    Does anyone use rainwater? Ive been using it for months. I thought it was a true reverse osmoisis with a nuetral PH. I just found out that since the rain absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere it averages a PH of more like 5.5 - 6.0....Im using hempy buckets. I dont have any meters to check...
  5. Bobster

    Nirvana WW Hempy

    Hey guys, I have 5 WW seedlings just transfered to hempy buckets. 75% perlite, 25% Promix HP in 3 gal buckets. I only have CFLs for now til my other 2 plants finish. then they will get 400w MH and then flower with HPS. sorry pics suck this time...wish me luck! :hump:
  6. Bobster

    Bag seed grow.

    7 weeks from seed and 3 weeks @ 12/12. Only 2 from 7 were fems.
  7. Bobster

    T12 lights

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone uses the T12 with 6500k daylight bulbs?