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  1. Ganjagreat91

    Unknown issue with leaves

    Wondering if anyone has any idea what causes this?
  2. Ganjagreat91

    My 2000w Variety Pack

    hello all this is my first journal and i would love feedback on anything u guys think i missed or if u have any suggestions feel free i have been growing dwc medical for year and half now but never finished inside always doing prep for outdoor ect... very excited i joined a lil late im on day 20...
  3. Ganjagreat91

    supplement suggestions

    Ionic hard water plantacillin dwc
  4. Ganjagreat91

    voodoo vs plantacillin?

    I am relativity new to posting but been growing medically for 2 years for a 500 ml bottle of voodoo is 129.99 where plantacillin is 29.99 the main ingredient in both is bactillus subtilius is is voodoo worth extra 100 bucks ..?:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: