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  1. G

    Grow tent ventilation question

    whats growing on? I am in the process of building a grow tent, ive built the skeleton out of some sturdy 1 1/2" pvc, there will be alot of stuff hanging from it, the dimensions are 2' x 3' x 5' , fits perfectly in my sliding door style closet, im gonna skin it with some black and white poly. the...
  2. G

    Frustrated By Ignorance, CFL Growers Read!

    Hey guys, I know there are alot of you out there, that like cfl's becase they are cheap (not really when you have to buy a bunch of them) and they stay alot coler than mh or hps wich is tru and thats why I went that way. I did alot of research on flourecent lights while i was sproutin a few...