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  1. pitbull1117

    grow tent questions

    i recently decided to get a homebox s and i am wondering if i could throw a 400w or a 600w hps in there. it will be a cool tube. The dimensions are 2.6ftx2.6ftx5.3ft, it is recommended for a 250w but being a cooltube i was wondering if i could get by. i would really like a 600w in there but i...
  2. pitbull1117

    pistols changin colors 2-3 week before harvest?

    is this normal for some of my pistils to be changing color like this?
  3. pitbull1117

    putting clones in straight water

    I put my clones in straight water with nothing else but water and part of my mixed fertilizer. I did this because it was bushy and blocking light from my other plants. Well my question is will they grow roots? It's been like this for a week or a little longer and the buds are still growing. it...
  4. pitbull1117

    2nd week of flowering... and leaves are turning yellow?

    Is it normal for this to be happening on just the second week of flowering. My plants showed there sex already and the bottom 2 sets of fan leaves are completely dying.
  5. pitbull1117

    How far should I keep my 250w hps from the tops

    Does anyone know how far i should be keepin my 250 from the plants. Max height and minimum height with no cooltube
  6. pitbull1117

    250 watt hps grow

    I had 4 plants but now have 3 because 1 turned male. 1 is female and 2 are unknown. this is week 1 of flowering about to go on week 2. My plants were put into flowering on the third week of veg. This is my first time using a HPS so if you could follow through with me that would be much...
  7. pitbull1117

    How do these look so far

    Week 3 of growth. Day 3 of 12/12
  8. pitbull1117

    does anyone wanna get online with the xbox 360

    Yo hit me up if you want to play some xbox. Mainly play call of duty Waw
  9. pitbull1117

    Second cfl grow

    K I have 4 plants right now that are all a little over 3 weeks. I thought i would skip the boring stuff and post now. I just put them into flowering on week 3 because of height issues. My cabinet is 3 feet wide 3.5 feet tall x 2feet. I am starting with 6 cfls 2700k. I am thinking about putting a...
  10. pitbull1117

    t what height or week can I switch to 12/12 for shorter growth not knowing the strain

    I have a few germinating right now and just wondering for when the time comes. I really don't want them growing taller then 2 feet
  11. pitbull1117

    controlling temp in a shed

    I was wondering when i move in to a house. If i leave my plants outside in shed what would be the best way to control the temp. As you know it gets really damn hot.
  12. pitbull1117

    Electricity of a 250watt Hps?

    I live in a one bedroom apartment and my grow space is 2x3' and the height is about 5' i was just wondering if i could squeeze a 250watt hps in there and how much it would effect my electric bill? Would it raise anyones attention? And one more thing would it be to much heat for that kind of space?
  13. pitbull1117

    miracle grow soil burning seedlings?

    I have been using miracle grow soil for a while and at the beggining my leaves where turning yellow. Eventually turning brown and not heeling. Well they are about a month now and just one plant looks affected, still with each new pair of leaves turning a little yellow on the edges of the newly...