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  1. toadqueen

    Hello New Growers

    Hello New Growers...First Off, I just want to say that this forum is a grower's pipe dream. All you have to do is take the time and do the reading, chances are at least one person has seen your problem or has tried your scenario. Which brings me to my main point..Everybody has there method and...
  2. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow Part Duex

    My First grow attempt was a total epic failure..Here are the mistakes I made:wall:The first thing was I started with too many plants..smaller is better makes it easier to start out, it is cheaper to buy supplies and fewer plants mean more individualized attention. My new grow will have no more...
  3. toadqueen

    fresh start:)

    :blsmoke::?Hey my friends my 2008 grow was an epic failure..BUT I got a kamikaze grow now..since I have a steady supply and all lol..I got one plant planted on the 8th..when it or another germinates I will make a NEW grow Journal..I am so glad to be back I missed yall:joint::hump:
  4. toadqueen

    tight attic space CFLvs HID

    OK, i have seedlings, and i am trying to plan my "bloom"room for 4 to 6 plants (planning ahead) My problem is, my grow room is upstairs in an attic like room, with odd shapes, and max height is 41/2feet...NOW, everyone says HID gives ya mo betta buds, and i believe it, however, with plants...
  5. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    Ok, Boys and girls, I am in this contest...I just started my grow and have 4 indica type plant sprouts. I am using two, for now, 23 watt CFL clip lamps ..and unlike alot of people in theis contest...I am a total NOOB, but i have read a ton, and am hoping that will pay off:blsmoke: My grow medium...
  6. toadqueen

    Nub Grower Intro

    Hello All, Like many of us on here, I am a nubby grower...Just got my first plant sprouts 2 days ago, and boy am i stoked..I have been real busy reading info on this forum, so i wouldn't ask too many stupid questions, and believe it or not, I have none yet. I ordered some seeds off the internet...