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  1. G

    Hydro guy switching to dirt

    Hey what's up? I'm a hydro guy switching to dirt and want to know whats a good dirt mixture and some simple nutrients to use? I just got tired of all the pumps, timers, and all the water yoou need. I have 16 really nice blackjacks ready to go so any quick help would be appreciated.
  2. G

    mailing a clone

    One of my friends needs a clone but we live in different states whats the best way to get it to him. He's dying from testicular cancer that spread to his intestines thatn they cut up now its like a foot long. i want to mail it whats the best way pm's are ok
  3. G


    does any one know if u can have too many lumens per square foot? or is the more the better?
  4. G


    has anyone ever heard of using sugar mixed with the nutes. if son can you use it in hydro(ebb&flow)?