Search results

  1. maumau93

    aero garden super yield!?!

    what is the largest yield anyone has ever got from an aerogarden? or what was your last yield? i would love to know as i have seriously been looking into getting a unit but the thoughts of a 5-10g yield after a couple of months waiting and two electricity bill's later im not sure it would be...
  2. maumau93

    is a stealth grow really worth it?

    hi, ok so i am looking at growing 1 possibly 2 plants i have 1 45w cfl and 1 200w cfl and they will be in a small confined area so i cant allow the plants to grow that big... my question is will the costs of running the bulbs for the next few months really be worth what i crop? thanks for your...
  3. maumau93

    Is LED really worth it?

    ok so i realise if you have a few hundred lying around then yes they really are worth it and if i had the money i would deffinatly get some but as it happens i don't so y question is: Is it worth getting something like this...
  4. maumau93

    completely new to this!!! and want to start of EASY!!!

    hey, i have just joined this forum looking for a little information i have spent the last couple of hours searching for what i was looking for but not had any success (so sorry if this is posted allot on here). ok so to start with i am a complete newbie to this so i am only looking to start off...