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  1. B

    Is my plant dead? Help me revive it!

    I came home yesterday from work with my plants extremely wilted. I watered the healthier one who hasn't started budding Jack Herer Feminized, but my Blue Dream Auto had its tips withered and than dried so they have mostly died off. There are very few leaves left that will be manageable at this...
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    Bluetooth auto 65 days and cut or 65 from pistils?

    Read that somebody suggested cutting the amount suggested time starting when the bud goes into flowering. Is this true MSNL seedbank suggests 65 days for bluetooth automatic and the pistils have changed dramatically from white to orange like their picture within the last week of flowering...
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    How long dose Jack Herer Feminized take start to finish

    I'm growing a Jack Herer Feminized from msnl seed bank and I have been vegging the plant for over 2 months now. It says 12-14 weeks flowering time. Does this mean I flower for 12-14 weeks, and veg for 2-3 months? That is currently what I have been doing and need to know if the 12-14 weeks is...
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    Blue Mystic Auto Should I harvest??

    My blue mystic auto flower is in about the 6th week of flowering, but the buds are already so damn frosty. I have a jewelers loupe and the crystals are cloudy, but not yet amber. According to nirvana seeds it says to flower 7-9 weeks. My fan leaves are starting to turn yellow and die from the...
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    Blue mystic. Need to know if ready for harvest?

    I just started growing 2 blue mystic auto flowers in may one is a single cola with several side branches which looks like it is ready to harvest my second plant is nearly 2 feet high with almost a foot of branches out. Many of the buds off the bushier plant are small and look premature. I had...
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    Autoflower Blue Mystic Fem from Nirvana

    Just been keeping up on my microgrow of Blue Mystic Auto and was wondering if you fellas could give some positive feedback. Do the leaves look a little droopy just watered today. I've been keeping watering every 2-4 days depending on how the soil feels a inch or two deep. Also looks a little...
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    Help determine sex + Topping growth

    I topped my plant about 2 weeks ago and let it heal up since I was about to switch to flowering. Since i've switched to flowering I replanted the same day, and my plant is growing rapidly. I cut out of where the growth in the picture is and new leaves seem to be coming out of this instead...
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    Autoflower Seedlings

    I have new seedlings which are autos in a PC box grow Link Here I'm currently having problems with heat, and was wondering if I should remove 2 or 1 of the lights in the box to cool down...
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    PC Box Grow Blue Mystic Autoflower Fem (Need advice please!)

    I decided to create a new pc box for a new strain I ordered Blue Mystic Autoflower Feminized from Nirvana Seeds. I am needing some help along the way I don't know if I will continually update this thread, but I would like to if possible...
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    Are my plants too small? (If so why?)

    Nearly to week six already, I started them in a closet grow. with 18/6 lighting Then I took outside for a little over a week. Brought them inside built the box been there 24/7 lighting for about 3 weeks or so now. Don't ask why I moved so often, just looking to know if they're too small for...
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    New to this Tiny PC Stealth Grow ( needing advice )

    I recently started a closet grow that was once again interrupted so I moved my plants outdoors to try and let them survive until I could figure something out. I built a small pc grow box in a few hours and figured it would be good enough to grow in if I used the LST method. I currently have...