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  1. NIPbutters

    PreSex / Sex Guesses?

    Well anyone got any idea of the sex of any of these? I know it's still early and they are not in 12/12 but I'm looking to pre-sex since they are outdoor. Oh and how bout that purple, that indicate much importance? thanks. NIP
  2. NIPbutters

    Odd Yellowing Top Leaves

    Alright I've had my first plant problem and am hoping one of you might help me out. I've noticed on a couple of my plants the top leaves are starting to get a rather odd look; see pictures. These are outdoor plants in pots, bag seeds. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. NIP
  3. NIPbutters

    Mutant lookin sprout

    Alright so this is a sprout out of a group from a good bag seed. Oddly enough, unlike the rest of them in the same conditions this one looks rather odd. I'm not at all worried because I can afford to lose some, but it's rather odd looking and I'd like some thoughts on what could make it look...