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  1. Digital Buddha

    9 Weeks in 400 watt Chemdawg. How close you think? Trichome pics!!

    Hey Digi B here posting up some pics of my Chemdawg. Shes been flowering about 9 weeks now and im not to sure how much longer I should wait on it. I dont wanna jump the gun but I also do not wanna sit on it and then have it over ripen. From the trich pics I took it appears that some of the heads...
  2. Digital Buddha

    All organic chemdawg week 8 macro shots!

    Hello all. Here are a few 100x macro shots of my bag seed Chemdawg female. She coming into week 8 of flowering. I have used Fox Farm Ocean Forest for my soil and have used the General Organics "GO" line of nutrients. bongsmilie
  3. Digital Buddha

    707 Butter crockpot style!

    Made a small bach of butter for my girls birthday last week using a slice of 707 and a stick of butter. Let it cook overnight in the crock pot and separated it in the morning. The cake we made was DANK! we were a bunch of zombie stoners walking around. haha. :leaf:
  4. Digital Buddha

    Whats Good Rollitup! First time posting, Week 5 of flowering Chemdog.

    DigiB here with my chemdog grow. Im running a 400 watt hps in my closet, i have one female Chemdog flowering out in there in a 5 gallon root bag. Im using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and have been feeding with General Organics full line. Ive been steady with my PH through out the grow and the...