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  1. larmannay

    When to transfer

    I don't know if this has been already asked, I did a quick skim and couldn't find anything. I'm growing an unknown sativa strain and was wondering when I should plant them outdoors. I live in Louisiana and there's is plenty of sunlight, but I tested a two week old plant in the shed and it...
  2. larmannay

    Question about Ph

    I don't really understand ph, sorry if this sounds newbish. Why does every guide I read say that high acidity is bad for growing marijuana because the males favor acidic soil, but then if you are growing hydroponically you want the water ph to be around 5.5? Also the same with soil, most places...
  3. larmannay

    High Humidity Levels

    I live in Louisiana where the weather is so humid during the summer you almost drown when you take a walk outside. I am currently about to move my plant outdoors, and was wondering how to prevent bud rot.:spew:
  4. larmannay

    Question about Fertilized Soil

    Hello Rollitup, new member/grower here, I just bought some Scotts Garden Soil for my plants, and I was wondering if the fertilized soil will really last for three months without adding more fertilizer like the home-depot guy said it would. Here is the NPK for it: .08 - .05 - .05 Also, is...