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  1. EmilyRose

    is it just me that turns into a chef when im high?

    is it just me that turns into a chef when im high?? or is it common??
  2. EmilyRose

    are my plants ment to smell yet? 4-5 weeks old

    are plants ment to have a smell at 4-5 weeks or is something wrong??
  3. EmilyRose

    how is my baby looking?

    hey :) hows my girl doing shes looking beautiful and is enjoying the sunlight. im worried shes too pale tho..
  4. EmilyRose

    Feeling Lonely.

    Any cures for lonelines? that doesnt involve a woman :( i dont have a woman right now.
  5. EmilyRose

    Size of seedling an indication of full grown plant size?

    So im growing 4 plants right now they are a week old. 3 of them ( 2 white widdow 1 purple haze) are the same size but one of them (skunk) is an inch taller than the rest has a thicker stalk and is in general just bigger! is this a sign its gonna be a ginormous plant?! i hope so :)
  6. EmilyRose

    man eating vagina..

    Worst/strangest place youve stuck your penis? anything crude is encoraged anything disturbing is welcome :)
  7. EmilyRose

    Funniest words while your baked!!!

    as we know some words just hit your funny bone when your high. list some!! Eg. Rooters. Purplyest boobies say boobies 5 times really fast without giggling!
  8. EmilyRose

    Why is Weed Illegal?

    why exactly was weed originally made illegal? what gave them reason to outlaw it? x emily
  9. EmilyRose

    Applying Foil to Walls?

    Getting the foil onto the walls is really hard and time consuming.. anyone got any tricks to make it any easier? xx Emily
  10. EmilyRose

    Grafting marijuana plants? is it possible?

    I have done alot of gardening over the years (nonweed..) and i have alot of experience in grafting roses to get like a white rose to grow off a red rose plant. would it be possible to get one strain of weed to grow on another. when its harvested if you took a small section and grafted it onto a...
  11. EmilyRose

    Best Seed Bank??

    Im new to ordering seeds online. What are some good seed banks that send to australia? and what are the ones to avoid? :peace::peace: