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    God-hating nut-jobs for Ron "the bigot" Paul! "Ron Paul Has the Crazy Nonreligious Zealot Vote Locked Up Political powder keg Texas Congressman Ron Paul might not have a hamster's chance in a blender of ever becoming president, but he seems to have the...
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    Pineapple Express clones in LA/OC area?

    Has anyone seen any Pineapple Express clones in the LA or OC areas lately?
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    Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

    Ron "the bigot" Paul knows, that's who: "Later in the interview Paul is asked if he sees himself sitting in the Oval Office. Terry Moran, ABC News: "When you lay your head on your...
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    OG Reunion...

    I assume that some of the old OverGrow crew ended up here after it died so I thought I'd see who. I only remember a couple of people (I'm getting old :D ) from back then; BOG who I'm sure a lot of people remember for his seeds and "booboy" from Florida who usually signed off with "peace from...