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  1. The Bud Dude

    cooking with shitty weed?

    I have two huge male plants...of the two plants that I started growing a couple months ago....this pisses me off. Does anyone know what I can do with them? I was really hoping to make some weed caramels with them I just don't know if it will work? Has anyone had success cooking with male plants?
  2. The Bud Dude

    I hate males...

    Stupid stupid stupid male plants...I got two...of the two that I started growing...what could I possibly do with them, one is about a foot and a half tall and the other one is about a foot. I am super pissed that I have wasted the last two months. Is there anything I can do with them. I was...
  3. The Bud Dude

    Starting SoG, and have a quesiton...

    So I am going to start an SoG method or whatever you want to call it. For the clones, I plan on having four, (i don't have the space for more), would 4 40W fluorescent tubes be enough?
  4. The Bud Dude

    Student Loan to buy pot?

    So I'm thinking about taking out a $400 student loan to buy an ounce, then sell the ounce and slowly pay back my student loan. I've done the math and everything and I could pay it off in maybe 2 months. Has anyone done anything like this and succeeded? I'm pretty good with money and self-control...
  5. The Bud Dude

    Has anyone tried this?

    It was just a stoned thought, but it sounded probable so I thought I would ask. If it is stupid just tell me it is. I don't care. But I was thinking that roots need oxygen which is why we have things like hydroponics and such. Some people put aerators in soil to get oxygen in the dirt. So my...
  6. The Bud Dude

    Anyone want to talk football?

    Anyone want to talk football? I love football. I'm high and watching football by myself. I want to talk football. Just start something. Favorite team? college or professional? player? Least favorite player or team? Super Bowl predictions. anything...I'M READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!! (if you don't...
  7. The Bud Dude

    PH question, couldn't find anything similar online...

    If i sit my tap water out for 24 hours and fix the PH, but i dont use all the water for one watering, do I need to check the PH again before the next time I water if its the same water? BONUS: Is there a way to use "water" more in one sentence...?
  8. The Bud Dude

    Plants Not Sprouting WTF?

    Ok, so this has happened to me twice now, working on my second grow. I germinate the seeds and little white roots come out. I plant and water them, I have 8 26w daylight CFL's and I'm using a cheap organic soil. I am beginning to think that my be the problem. What lights are maybe 5...
  9. The Bud Dude

    Central Texas Grow advice

    So I'm out here in Central Texas and I got a good bag of weed with some seeds, I germinated them and planted them indoors under CFL lights, for about a week now. Someone else I know wanted a few of them (i don't have the room for an indoor grow this size) but he wants to plant them out side. It...