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  1. freds

    Opinions Please

    Hi im currently growing 5 Blue Cheese plants from clones and i am 7w4d into the grow, i am on my fourth day of flushing now and plan on harvesting in 5 days time. They are grown under a 600w HPS light and grow in soil i have used ionic neuts along with AN Hammer head through week 4-6 and no...
  2. freds

    Freds First Grow: Blueberry Cheese

    Hi and welcome to my first grow and journal, i have studied growing for a while now trying to learn as much as i can for this first grow so please go easy on me! :eek: The strain i will be growing is Blueberry Cheese, i received 6 cuttings from a friend and will be growing in soil...
  3. freds

    First time cuttings help

    Hello i'm just starting my first grow my friend gave me some cuttings from his blue cheese plant, he soaked the rockwool in h2o and put the cuttings in and gave them to me how do you think they will go not being in any rooting hormones? They have been in the propagator for two days now with a...