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  1. Approval

    4 weeks old and yellow tips on leaves (pics)

    I just transplanted from a soil-less mix in solo cups into a top drip hydroton system. I moved from a GH 3 part 50% veg mix to a FULL strength veg mix. I also think I got some nutes on the leaves from the rings splashing and that caused a burn out, but I cut the tube housing to help the rings...
  2. Approval

    Transplanted / 4 weeks old / dropping leaves (pics)

    Transplanted 2 days ago from clear inserts inside solo cups. Moved from a half strength veg mix to a full strength veg mix. Now the drip rings are on 24/7, with 4 other plants doing just fine for the most part. 2 plants, however look really sad and are drooping significantly. Is it shock...
  3. Approval

    I have yellow spots on my leaves

    I have several plants that are two weeks old from seed and they are developing yellow spots on the leaves, not the edges. Are they asking for nutes? is it a zinc deficiency?
  4. Approval

    Yellow spots!

    I have yellow spots in the middle of my leaves, NOT THE EDGES!! Check it out, I don't have a clue..please and thank you!
  5. Approval

    first time grow - need some clarification

    Started with 13 'sure to grow' cubes in a humidity dome. All sprouted but mold grew on nearly all the cubes. Had a few more trail errors; thought I over watered, tried not using the lid, now its not enough water. Then they start curling up and falling over? All trial errors mold developed. I...