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  1. finnal

    new discovery maybe?

    ok so to start off this thread i would like to tell a little story so my friends step mom got her card after i told her how easy it was and her uncle had his card and had 2 too many plants so to be safe he just gave them to her and they were roughly 6-7 feet tall so we loaded them up in the...
  2. finnal

    porn websites

    does anyone know of any weed porn website and i mean real porn not just hot girls in bikinis smoking blunts i want to see chicks getting ripped
  3. finnal

    mutant plant?

    so i have this baby purple plant i got from my brother at about a week old he said all he knows is that its purple and things were fine for a bit but it started growing 3 nodes at a time so i was just thinking awesome maybe it will just have extra branches or something (being optimistic) but...
  4. finnal

    mutant plant?

    so i have this baby purple plant i got from my brother at about a week old he said all he knows is that its purple and things were fine for a bit but it started growing 3 nodes at a time so i was just thinking awesome maybe it will just have extra branches or something (being optimistic) but it...
  5. finnal

    moving from window light to new bulb

    ok so i was growing my plant with window light but i live in the northwest it was fine durring summer but now that its winter my plants is flowering but it has very slow growth so i moved it from window to light bulb but i just used an average table lamp with a light bulb thats long and skinny...
  6. finnal

    limited growing how can i make the best out come

    ok so i have like no money so i cant really buy anything for my growing venture i only have 1 plant and wanted some sage advice. ok so i have my 1 plant in my loft where it only gets like 3 hours of direct sunlight but gets alot of indirect light throughout the day i used plant food nutes in the...