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  1. A

    How to keep a mother.

    I am new to the game and just have been buying clones at the start of every cycle but would love to stop having to do that. I have an extra t5 48 that i could set up to keep a ''Mother". My question is how long can i keep her vegging and how can i keep her small enough that it wont get out of...
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    COLD I Actually need heat help

    I live in michigan and my room is an old cold storage/celler. It was great for the summer because it stayed cool but the fall and winter are bringing me much cooler temps. What is the best way to heat the room and what is the recommended min temp. I know everyone says no hotter that 76 but it...
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    do i harvest the whole plant or just whats ready

    i was wondering if i could harvest the top half of the plant and then give the rest another week or so to finish. I feel like they will get bigger if i let them but the tops are ready to cut.
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    need help please

    they were clones planted 3 weeks ago. I did fuck up and cut them from a flowering mother( im a fist time cloner). They look poor and grow slow. they are in fox farm soil and i use tecnaflora nutes at 50%.
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    help please

    This is my first grow and i grew from seeds. I have now idea what the strain is. I was hoping i would be able to tell but need some help. I will tell you everything i can. From seed veg for 5 weeks on T5 then flipped to Hps they have been flowering for 5 1/2weeks. Foxfarm soil, tecnaflora nutes.
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    24hr light cycle for veg

    i am new and and heard and read different things. Is it ok to give 24hr lights on for the entire veg stage.