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  1. E

    First out door grow this spring. Help needed

    I found a great spot but its swampy as hell so I was thinking put the plants out there in 5 gal buckets. Will they survive or will the roots die from not having enough room?
  2. E

    A local hydro store rents out a fogger machine

    You put your solution in it and it works like can foggers but you spray it yourself. if you know what I'm talking about can you tell me if I can use a regular store bought fog machine and fill it with mighty wash and let it run in my basement
  3. E

    Just had an idea....

    A buddy of mine uses damp rid to keep his grow room dry. What if I put it in my drying room with my drying rack? Or would it cause the pot to degrade like quick drying with a dehumidifier.
  4. E

    Thinking about ordering 5000 predatory mites

    And letting them run amuck in my grow rooms. You think it's a good idea or waste of 40$?
  5. E

    Drying q

    Do buds dry better and or faster when they are hanging on the branches still or should I cut them off and put them on a drying rack?
  6. E

    Damn it!!!

    Plants are over 6foot with the 5 gal bucket!!! And my ceiling is only about 6.5 lol. Tie down time!!!! I would post pics but I'm on my iPhone.
  7. E

    My pot smells like grass clippings

    I just cut down my trainwreck yesterday and the little bit of smell it has is weak.... And like I said smells like grass clippings... Its my first harves so I'm wondering if it's gonna develop a different smell or did the dispensary get over on me when I bought my clones?
  8. E

    Could a drastic reduction in light case plants to start flowering?

    All 12 of my plants were under 1000w mh and 2 2x4x4 t5s. I put 6 into bloom using my 1000 watt hps taking away the mh from the other 6 leaving them under just the t5s and they are all sprouting white hairs. Any one else have this happen before?
  9. E

    Lansing mi dispensary reviews.

    Just lending a helping hand on where to and not to make your purchases. Helping hands- pros- large variety low prices. Cons- low quality FULL of seeds, clones are full of spider mites. Still fighting my problem. Best buds- my favorite pros- very high quality product! Large selection and...
  10. E

    Thinking about investing in a bag Of co2......

    I was wondering if anyone has used one before? Idr what exactly it's called. But it looks like a dirty brick of salt in a bag.
  11. E

    First grow. 6 trainwrecks 6 headband criticism welcomed

    legaly growing my 12 plants this is my first grow i have 1000 watt hps and 2 ho t5's 4foot four bulbs. the plants are a little over a month old. flowering in 3 weeks. im expecting about a qp per plant. im using pro mix bx dirt and my nutes are.... super thrive maxi grow cool bloom liquid...