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  1. itsAmre

    Seedling help

    So i germinated my auto blueberry ,,,,,had few troubles gettig bits so it was germinated til the point the first set of leaves appeared so im a lil stuck ive planted it now the vast majority of the root is under the soil do i need to repot until all the root is submerged or is how ive done it...
  2. itsAmre

    have a look at the leaves.......

    some of the big fan leaves are curling up at the edges and showing a few signs of nute burn i think all help greatly appreciated cheers in advance.:leaf:
  3. itsAmre

    new set up HELP

    Ive started up agen spent a lil money this time , got a ds90 from secret jardin dual spectrum 125watt eco light cfl ,,,,,,, bit on the cheap but thas all i can do prepped some cheap compost with a spoonful of bonemeal and topping up with baby bio once a week or as and when she needs it ... Temp...
  4. itsAmre

    Newbie. Easy Kush

    just bought an easy kush for beginners any tips on how to grow this ? from what iive researched after 3 weeks of veg it should start to flower ? or do i have to force it ? itl be in from june 1st so shouldn't it just do it naturally? all help apreciated