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  1. elevatedsenses

    I try to do some math

    if I have a 4x4 tent with a 400w hydro setup with 10 plants how much bud would I b looking at I know you cant put a # on it but I'm looking for a round about. I'm just looking for some in put......... :joint: on my friends sry not 400w 600w the 4 is in the veg
  2. elevatedsenses

    what should I do with my stems

    I'm looking for some thing to do with all the stems that I have on my hand anyone know what I should do
  3. elevatedsenses

    Where to shop online?

    where is the best place to shop online for all my needs of having a indoor grow. I dont want shit that will brake but I'm not trying to go broke on buy all the stuff I need I do not want 1/2 ass plants I would like to :joint: some good stuff and I'm willing to put the work in
  4. elevatedsenses

    Is it me or has the bud in Philly going down hill

    I have been smoking for over 13 years with only missing about 40 days out of the 13 years and I just think the bud around me has been going down hill. everyone talks about what good bud they got but its nothing like the stuff from 4 years ago anyone feel the same way?
  5. elevatedsenses

    600 watts in a tent

    I'm starting an indoor set up on my own if I have a tent with 600watts what is that going to do to my ele-bill??? I would like to make money doing this. I could buy a lbs for $3,750 of the good stuff where I come from but who knows what ppl put in there bud that could not b good for you.
  6. elevatedsenses

    my 1st grow on my own

    I don't want to say where I live but I'm on the east coast under NYC. I'm looking for the best place to get seeds online or face to face. I know where to get the rest of my indoor lights and other stuff. But would like help for ppl who have the time to help out.