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  1. S

    MY WHOLE CROP IS DYING, using earth juice and having serious problems. lower is worst

    Here are pictures of whats happening to my plants. the very top new fan leaves look healthly and large but the whole rest of the plant is getting droopy, stale smelling, black and brown blotches all over the plants before the whole leaf breaks off at the stem. the plant's are kind of bare...
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    do Jiffy peate pots lower or raise PH? Im having a PH problem

    do Jiffy peate pots lower or raise PH? Im having a PH problem with my seedlings and the only variable I changes between this crop and last was I used peate pots this time. They probrally threw off the PH and I just need to know whether peate moss is acidic or alkaline. thanks
  3. S

    2-3 week old SEEDLINGS , yellow lower leaves , twisted green middle leaves PICS

    This batch has 8 plants and some of them are coming in ok so far and some are not. The biggest problem is with my oldest one. It was coming in fast and strong then I noticed that the middle leaves were twisting at the tips, not curling but twisting. I took a picture of that and its in photo#2...
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    All My Plants Turned Out Male!

    i just found out today that all 6 of my plants are male. all that hard work down the drain :-( the thing is, i was plagued with deficintcys and mistakes on this crop. does anybody know if making mistakes and mistreating your plants will make them more likely to become male? or is it possible...
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    FAN LEAVES turning light green but branches dark green, purple and blue spots.

    hi, im in day 50 with my plants and i was over nutrienting my plants as you can see by the pic of the spotted leaves. i flushed the soil 5 days ago and now my big plants are starting to show similar signs. it starts from the bottom with light green spots on the leaves then they turn light green...
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    has anyone ever heard of GREENLITE brand bulbs?

    has anyone ever heard of greenlite brand bulbs (cfl) and know if their any good? i only have 3 plants and am in flowering and i bought 4x 100w 2700k bulbs but ive never heard of the brand name. will these even work for growing? i just dont want to use a light that cant be used for growing and...
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    is my seedling going to be ok?

    im such an idiot. i nutrient sprayed my g13 seedlings and my tallest one has major burn, yellowing and curling under leaves on the top fan leaves. i also topped it that same day i sprayed it then the next day the leaves were all messed up. do u think with a mix of nute burn and topping in the...
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    less then 1/4oz off a whole plant...whats wrong?

    why do my plants grow with tiny buds and a bit more in the top cone. i dont get any branches. it just grows tall and top heavy. it wasnt like i didnt wait long enough, my indoor plants are over 3 feet tall and i hear of people having plants 2feet that get 5ounces. what am i doing wrong? how do i...
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    flower food for foliage spray???

    hey, does anybody know if you can use "super bloom" flower food 12-55-6 as a foliage spray? and if you can what strenth do you mix it? normal mixture for feeding is 2tsp per gallon. its a green sandy nutrient that is mixed with chelated iron.